September 21, 2011


I spend a lot of time thinking. Thinking about what I want, what I'm doing, what I just said. Thinking and planning and dreaming. I need to spend more time actually doing all the shit I spend so much energy thinking about. I need to try. Try harder. And then I need to forgive myself if, despite all my trying, things don't work out. So here I am again. Trying to be a blogger.

How about a list of the things I will be working on, trying for, in the near future:

1. Planning a wedding, even though if feels like it's a million years away. (We're getting hitched in Fall 2013. We got engaged on August 19, 2011. That's a long haul). The main things I need to work on right now include: SAVING MONEY, venue, guest list.

2. Getting my finances in order. This includes paying my taxes before my extension time runs out, setting a realistic monthly budget and saving for the wedding.

3. Getting my ass off the couch and eating like a grown woman, not a teenage boy. AKA - getting in shape and eating healthy. I have a goal weight of 175. Right now I'm 225. That's 50 pounds. 50 pounds! That's the equivalent of losing a 7 year old child, 2 giant bags of dog food, or a really heavy suitcase. I know I can do it.

4. NaNoWriMo. I'm going to write a young adult fiction book. About mermaids. This November.

5. Blog. I don't think it counts as blogging if you only do it sporadically a few times a year. I would like to do something consistent with this thing.

6. Learn Spanish. Quiero aprender a hablar espaƱol. Necesito tratar, cause I was pretty good once and I've pretty much forgotten everything.

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